Athletes in Action is Christian fellowship on the UC Davis campus that works to bring athletically minded students together in a faith filled setting that offers support, prayer and encouragement. Athletes in Action (AIA) is a division of Cru, also known as Campus Crusades for Christ, and is not just for ICA athletes, but any and all UC Davis students who wish to live out their college careers with faith at the center. Using sports as a foundation, AIA works to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and helps make Christianity and following Jesus a tangible goal for students.
Through weekly meetings with musical worship and a message from a guest speaker, men and women’s bible studies, retreats, and social events AIA creates a community for its members. It is the goal of AIA that athletes and students alike will take the message and faith they gain at AIA events, and spread it throughout the UC Davis campus. Athletics are a major platform within our society, and AIA wants to use that platform to spread hope, faith, and love.